Hew harini terlebih rajin scroll instastory kawan Mell dekat IG tadi and I came across this one IG of my friend when she is in Dilemma either want to further study to Master or just start to find a job and start career right away and start a stable life .
Ok actually for me both has pro and con . We as a normal human being should decide what is the best for us and what we needed in our life . Setiap orang ni jalan hidup dia lain-lain . Tak semua sama . Allah dah tulis rezeki untuk setiap orang . Ada yang belajar tinggi sampai master sebab maybe they choose to be a lecturer .
For me myself after graduating from my diploma I choose to work . WHY ? Bukan sebab tak mampu dan bukan sebab tak pandai . If you have read my previous post on my job you know what I'm doing . Me myself I might have different point of view . I choose to be a professional Company Secretary in Audit firm that I currently work with . I want that MAICSA certificate and license . I want have the power to build my own company with my own client and of course I'm capable enough to sign any agreement or document . Ingat sesiapa sahaja boleh certified sesuatu document for a company ? If you ada company or agreement even lawyer yang prepare the document they need to go through us first . Once we certified mean the document or agreement is True and no hesitation.
I don't see it a disadvantage to me at all graduating from Diploma level . As per what I discuss they required 2 year experience and qualified education in related field and after that I can pursuing my MAICSA license already .
But if ada rezeki InshaAllah I will further study but at the same time I need to decide what is actually I wanted in my life before I make decision on futher my study.
But if ada rezeki InshaAllah I will further study but at the same time I need to decide what is actually I wanted in my life before I make decision on futher my study.