Its been a while I left my blog silent with no update. Its quite some time right ?
Macam-macam benda happen in my life. Bukan tak nak update but I dont have time to update and I have limited access to update my blog.
And.... Here we are. After a few month being silent, here I am someone fiancee .. Im getting engage to the choice of my life . I have never thought that this day would come.

Orang akan tanya apa perasaan bertunang ni ? Apa dugaan bertunang ? Alhamdulillah we dont take everything seriously .. We treat each other like how we first met . How we first met is really rare and unexpected . This is why I say I don't expect that today will come .
How we first met is biarla RAHSIA . What I can tell is he totally different from other guys I know and date before . On our first date lagi he try to impress me and show his effort how he want me.
I still remember before we met we barely talk to each other through phone call. We knew each other during Ramadhan . So nak dependekkan cerita Im not the type yang tidur lewat malam as I know if I slept late memang tak sahur la esoknya Lewls .
My favorite part is bila dia tanya "Dah tidur ke ?"
Serious say annoyed gila coz what do he expect I'll be doing at night ? Memang mula2 kenal Iolls jual mahal gila sampai nak block him from my Whatsapp .
After few week kenal we met for the first time . He willingly drive from Pontian to Puchong just to meet up with me and after that drive back to his parent house at Muar.
Memang tak sangka la after one year know each other I have make a decision to accept Job offer to work at Johor then few months later he propose me . And here we are officially engage 29 February 2020.
Last but not least thank you for coming, memeriahkan majlis pertunangan Sherry Mellisa dan Muhammad Nurshafiq. Doakan ikatan pertunangan ni sampai ke jinjang pelamin .
Okla sampai sini dlu my update . Will share more in future .