Today Im not going to type much . Just would like to share with you guys that Im doing a part time business since 2014 .
I started with selling tudung from one room to another room when I stayed at hotel during my study . Its not easy actually to start an online business . Yela Mell ni not instafemes , tweetfamous or any famous person and when I started this business I don't ever have any funder or anyone to support me . So I started by being dropship only . But Alhamdulillah rezeki Allah luas and I manage to upgrade become an agent or stokis.

Takkan nak ushar je kan ? Meh la follow sekali sambil cuci mata 👌 ???
And jangan lupa follow page tunang sistur juga kalau ada cik abang yang tengah cari bag kan .

Dah follow jangan lupa share dengan kengkawan taw . InsyaAllah doakan Mell murah rezeki dapat kumpul duit kahwin 😆
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