Good morning , 早上好 ,
Have you guys ever feel that you guys is different than others or people telling you that you are a weirdo or a freak ?
How does it feel when people see you that way ? Must feel like you have did a big mistake or a huge sin for being so called a weirdo or freak kan ? You will feel down and sad about it right ?
Do you know that human brain has two division which is IQ on your left brain and EQ on your right brain ?
And most of the adults out there thought that as long as you have a high IQ its always ok . But when your EQ is higher than your IQ watch out its so called freak . This is why educated people always rude .
But people with higher IQ their life just ended up in education and they are not ready enough to face the world . Kenapa Mell cakap macam tu ? Its because their thinking is everything has been decide for them ?
If I study hard and get into higher level education and I will get a better job with higher pay this is what happen bila ramai graduate yang "tanam anggur" or so called penganggur in a proper language . But its different with people who are just intermediate in their study . They will prepare with others plan instead of just stick to Plan A . What if I got a job which is not my skill or requirement ? I will just take it but at the same time maybe I will plan to start a business .
So here Mell nak cakap education is still important and never stop learning but make sure it balance . And especially candidate SPM yang mesti rata-rata target UNIVERSITI but actually tak kisah lah mana pun you sambung but first target you nak ambil course apa dulu .
WHY ? KENAPA ? 为什么 ?
Ok mengikut pengalaman Mell as you can see on my previous post is I work as a Company Secretary . So when I apply for this job requirement is different ok . First kene ada diploma Sains Kesetiausahaan dari Politeknik and must have MAICSA certificate . Huh amikkaw . When I attend my interview for this position . Guess what ? The put aside all my certificate including my Diploma certificate . The first thing that pop-out from their mouth is What you know about being Company Secretary and have you taken your MAICSA certificate .
As a conlusion here what like people always say be a beauty with brain and a handsome with brain . Balance both IQ and EQ . Education is important but never being too confident that everything will just so right as plan . Always have a few option in life so you can decide which you want to do .
Siapa kata orang pandai ni banyak pilihan . Tak semua nak jadi lawyer or doctor . Some just study so the can earn an advantage to choose their favorite college and courses and earn scholarship as well .
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