Assalammualaikum bless Friday 😇
Ok today Im going to share about me goig to resign and get a new job if I was choosen la kan ?
I have been working with my current company for 3 years so I think its time for me to expand as I find another job with a better offer . You guys must be curious kan ? She working as what ? Hope you guys don't mind and can scroll to my old post . Im not gain any viewer or follower by asking you guys scrolling my old post but actually I have describe what is my job about so indirectly you guys are learning something right ?
Okla back to my story what job did I get ? Still the same position a
like what Im doing now but the offer is really hard to resist .
If Im willing to relocate to Johor Bharu automatically I can get RM3,000 and its not my salary advance okay ? but no wonder la if we go through this Company Background since they have branch all over the world .
So this is what make me interested with the offer . The hiring manager quite tolerate as well as they able to interview you through skype so you no need spend your money travel to Johor Bharu for interview then you don't get the job. Mesti rasa nak mencarut je kan ? Lewls..
Since Im going to move or relocate to Johor Bharu if I get that job so its time for me to be independent . Rent a house , find a transportation how Im going to go to work and all that kind of stuff and its quite challenging . BTW I like it at least I learn and hope I can adapt really well cause this is part of my dream as well . To own my own asset . To grow even stronger and success.
What more making me tense is my interviewer not only local interviewer but might including hong kong interviewer as well fuh . but hope I can pass the interview and they like me . Wish me luck 💪