Okla just asking . It doesn't matter mana pun kita beraya rumah mertua ? rumah family sendiri ? or even Raya di perantauan . What matter the most is how the way you celebrate it that make you happy .
Mell understand as well atas tuntutan kerja ada yang tak balik beraya langsung . Tak pe tahun depan balik la . Tak semestinya nak tunggu raya baru balik hokay . Selagi ada kampung , Selagi parents still alive ada masa tu jenguk2 la kampung tu .
Okla when talking bout raya what make you excited the most ?
For Mell of course come to food and kuih raya . Especially when I get my ketupat anyam sendiri ye not in plastic tu match it with kuah kacang and sambal goreng . Perghhh perfect giler . But this year they serve sambal goreng on third raya so my first raya ketupat with kuah kacang , lodeh and sambal sotong .. But still match my appetite
Come to the colourful cookie on my right at first I thought it was one of my favorite cookie which is Makmur but actually its not . It taste almost like makmur but the different this cookie with makmur is Makmur ada kacang and this cookie is empty inside and bergula macam donut gula tu .

Usually first raya cousin and family member will come to visit dulu berkumpul dulu and most of it anak2 cucu my grandmother punya sibling la .
I have no idea am I gaining weight or baju Nampak besar but Im not some type of typical girl yang kata saya dah gemuk and so on . I would say I just reach my ideal weight and my BMI normal . 😆
So raya kedua im going nowhere . Rasanya beraya atas jalan je kot . from Batu pahat to Masai in the morning and from Masai reach home after dawn . Beraya sebuah rumah je taw .. Haha jem kan . So lepak2 santai2 rumah mak ngah jela after come back from Masai.

Pickupline famous nowadays yes Im your future in law .. Bakal menantu mak awak . Hee raya ketiga baru la sempat merasa raya Bersama . So kita beraya la belah mertua and I swear my mother in law punya tom yam is superb .Selalu nak tomyam sedap and pekat kena makan dekat kedai but my mother in law masak pun dah macam tom yam kedai dah . InshaAllah we are planning and Allah decide our path . dah jodoh tak kemana kan ?
One in a time . We have plan and we going do it step by step .
The cutest part is the night before we end the day all the way he sending me home he kept saying that he feel like eating durian . So here we are he drop me off and stayed for a while and we grab some durian .
Selamat hari raya sis... cantik warna baju raya... =D
ReplyDeleteSelamat Hari Raya jugak :) Boleh check out ig saya @candytuft_couture sebab semua baju raya saya pakai semua saya jual . Thanks for the compliment . Jangan lupa follow blog saya and just mntion sahaja for follow back :)