Saturday, 9 September 2017


Assalammualaikum ..

Wow topic harin ni relationship has it s up and down . What does it mean ? Have you ever heard pepatah sedangkan lidah sendiri pun boleh tergigit . Ok for one who know me will always say untung jadi kau Mell , untung ada pakwe macam kau Mell and senang cerita semuanya indah-indah belaka macam fairytale story Rapunzel.

Ok Mell bukanlah tak pernah ada masalah in relationship . Have knew and date for almost three years there is up and down . Almost everything boleh jadikan topic bergaduh . The main point is actually both of us ego .

Argument is always started becoz of semua nak menang , semua tak boleh nak terima pendapat pasangan memasing , semua nak jadi dominant , tak nak berubah but expecting partner to change dari situ timbul perasaan tak puas hati and end with ego . 

Being selfish and ego wont take you anywhere but why always this kind of thing happen ? Sometime we need to cool down , sit down and think about it why this happening ? We cant 100% blame our partner when argument occur . Its being unfair to our partner as well to ourselves ..

Yes Mell ni memang emo and sensitive but what about him ? ego and selfish . I like everything to be discuss together but it turn out differently for him . He think that I tried to control him . If we can't manage our lifestyle and finance well end of the day the one suffer is ourselve.

I tried my best to help him to build his own empire , be a success guy but if he did not put any effort he will just be a normal guy . I dont mind if he  is a normal guy but did himself can accept it ? Without he realizing actually he's complain a lot on life . 

Kenapa duit selalu tak cukup . Hubby nak itu nak ini tapi tak ada duit and bla bla bla .

But if he let me help him he did not realize or even appreciate it that actually he can easily get what he want and he still can keep his saving on his own.

And kita as ladies of coz perasaan jealous , sensitive semua tu will have . If I tak sayang tak ada I sesibuk nak risau mana dia nak pergi or apa dia nak buat or nak mampus pun tak apa .. If not because I care and love for him I wont waste my time on him .. But he never get it . For him I'm such a fussy and busy body .

But let the time decide . Perempuan ni if terlalu sayang juga tak boleh sebab nanti sampai satu tahap dia jadi penat and move on .

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