Hi Assalammualaikum everything 😂😂 Mell rasa Mell dah boleh terbit my own cooking book dah . What else can we do during RMO kan ??
Okla at least I can improve my cooking kan ?
Lemme share another recipe campak2 for beginner ok ? Macam biasa la bahan2 nya must have bawang putih , bawang merah , carrot , potato , sup bunjut daun ketumbar and dont miss out chicken ...
Macam biasa we cut2 cut2 bawang into slices , cut the chicken into small pieces .. Macam Mell sebab barang dapur dibeli oleh ketua keluarga and he on his diet so dia beli ayam bahagian dada and easy for me sebab takde tulang and easy to clean .. Yay ... Dah nama pun beginner kan ? mestila nak senang2 ..
First of all, tumis2 bawang macam biasa . I think every single dishes will always start with tumis bawang and of coz cooking oil . Keep in mind always basic things kay ??
Ok macam Mell usually I will pour in water baru masuk ayam but today I would like to try something new by tumis the ayam first bagi serap bau bawang tu after that the sam process pour water .
Then tadaa pour the water and ape lagi campak2 la kan ?? Lewls.
What else ?? haha campak lagi la kan ?? Haa iolss guna sup bunjut Mak Siti and daun ketumbar instead of daun sup .. Saja nak tahu taste ape .. But daun ketumbar ni it taste stronger thatn daun sup and smell like mint .. Last but not least secubit garam .. Senang tak ?? Kan Mell dah cakap masak ni campak2 je ..
And here the final result . Maklumla anak jawa mix chinese haha sambal kicap , tauhu , tempe is a must barula complete .. So we are ready to dine in .. Takda la hangit .. its a soup mana mngkin hangit .. Hang buat ape sampai sup kering ?? Tydo ye ??
No worry beginner pun can cook .. Tengah musim duduk rumah ni ape lagi mana tahu can beat Gordon Ramsy ..
sedap tuu
Sedapkan ?? lagi2 makan time hujan cmni ..