Nak dijadikan cerita actually Mell scared of cat . But since I saw little kitten was abandone at Petron Pasir Gudang and kept coming to me like seeking to help I jadi kesian . So I start to adopt cat and try to give them a shelter.
Ok before I adopted this two, I have adopted a few of little baby kitten but tak ada rezeki semua hilang sebab letak overnight luar and giving them food the next day poof hilang . Up to few month ago I adopted the black and white, male cat yang diberi nama baby meow .. Haha 😹 adorable gila namakan ? I kutip dekat Anjung, Nusajaya at foodcourt . That time bila Mell kutip dye dengan sibling dia yang lain which is four of them and the same happen I leave them overnight outside esoknya hilang. So I decided buy a cage to kept him .
After a few month, of coz I kesian dengan baby meow being alone . I talk to my fiancee that I want to adopt another cat but he insist and all this while we only found a male cat so he told me if got female cat he allow me to adopt.
Agaknya mulut dia masin ni haha we went for a breakfast around our house area then we found a female cat and we name her Dolly . At first he insist . He told me that female cat ni GATAL 😼 nanti asyik give birth je . But pujuk punya pujuk dapatla adopt dia balik .
First 2 month my fiancee memang tak berkenan dengan Dolly coz we found her at warung tepi jalan . He told me kucing mcm ni makan sampah . Yes Dolly kept korek the sampah in my house and almost kene buang . But I insist coz Baby Meow susah nak mix up dengan kucing lain but he get along well with Dolly .
Even tidur pon together taw hugging each other . But if other stray cat or neighbour cat try to get close with his cage memang Baby Meow marah but different with DOlly . So after a few month they grow even bigger and dorang berdua la yang stay tak hilang .
So me and my fiancee decide to upgrade their cage .
Even dah upgrade sangkar pun can see how clingy are there . Mana Dolly pergi Baby Meow mesti follow . Dah biasa agaknya sleep in the small cage .
Even I move them inside the house mana Dolly tidor baby meow mesti menyelit.

Hope you guys enjoy my posting . Mell ade beli wheat grass taw dekat shopee to kept it in their cage . A real grass hokey so that they can enjoy being in their cage . Maklumla musim Covid-19 I dont really let them to be outdoor .
Will update more what I will do with my cats . To all cats lover stay tuned ya .
assalamualaikum.. comellnya dolly..moga murah rezeki awak^^
ReplyDeleteWaalaikumussalam .. Terims kasih amin .. Aah favorite sye tu Dolly tpi dyela pling bnyk akal ... Hee